Ray Barriuso
My name is Ray Barriuso and I’m honored to be nominated for a role on the Restoration Leadership Team. My wife Janae and I have been married for 36 years and have been a part of Restoration since its beginning in Rob’s basement. Prior to that, we had been members of Faith Covenant Church for 19 years. I have two grown children, Taylor Anne and Dawson. I happily retired as a software engineer in November 2020. At Faith Covenant I served in children’s ministry for 11 years teaching at all levels from grade school through high school and was a working member of several ad hoc teams and committees, including chairing the call team that brought Pastor Mike Lotzer to Faith Covenant from the military. Here at Restoration I served on the set-up team for 4 years, the hospitality coffee-cart team for 2 years, I was chair of the kids director call team that brought Chris Davis to RCC, and am currently a volunteer on the Tech Team running slides. Outside of RCC, Janae and I volunteer at the Urban Ventures non-profit farm in Lakeville and volunteer and support Joni & Friends Family Camps for children with disabilities.
God has pursued me my entire life. I vividly remember Him explicitly answering a desperate prayer in dramatic fashion in the summer before 6th grade. He continued to pursue me when I became a professed atheist while I was serving in Germany in the U.S. Air Force after I felt He abandoned me when I needed Him most. Thank God that His mercy is without end. While I was an atheist and in lonely despair in Bitburg, Germany, God found a way to reach me and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in my dormitory room one Sunday morning after watching the TV evangelist Pastor Fred Price preach the book of Acts. I love the Lord and I walk with him daily. We have a personal, intimate relationship that continues to grow. I want to know Him more and be known by Him so that on the day of judgement He will not say, depart from me, I never knew you, but will instead say, well done my good and faithful servant.

Kate Alter
My name is Kate Alter, and my family has loved making Restoration our church home! Matt and I live in Rosemount with our two children, Nora (7) and Liam (1.5). Jim and Ginny Bauman, my parents, invited us to attend Restoration when we moved back to the cities roughly 8 years ago. It was a pleasant surprise to see a familiar face delivering the message our first Sunday. I grew up at Eagan Evangelical Covenant Church and our youth group participated in many activities with Faith Covenant Church, where Rob was the youth pastor. The warm atmosphere, kind fellowship and inclusive culture are what drew us to this congregation. We are blessed to be raising out children in this church family.
It is an honor to be asked to support this congregation through service on the Leadership Team. My prayer is that the Lord will work through me and utilize my knowledge and willingness to help Restoration continue to prosper in its mission of restoring hope in Jesus.
I am looking forward to opportunity that awaits. Romans 12:11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.