Future Building Campaign

more than a building

Since the beginning, Restoration has been about making Jesus the center of all that we do and empowering generations while we restore and bless the people and communities around us with the love of Jesus. A church home is one tool to do that and a well suited building to call our home is within our reach after seven years of searching… We are now starting a crucial phase in making this component of what we believe is God’s plan for Restoration a reality and are humbly asking you to consider partnering with us in our building fundraising campaign.

What if your generous gift went toward a lasting, generational asset used as a spiritual tool that would provide a known and stable house for our worship, and a headquarters for our operations to send out blessings in many shapes and forms in the community around us, leaving an eternal impact? How much could be restored and how many could be touched by His grace and come to know Jesus? How much will your gift be multiplied? Imagine the possibilities!

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God
loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7