
August 1, 2012

strengths 2
The 34 Strengths from StrengthsFinders 2.0

Hi Friends,

Pastor Rob and the team leaders will meet together all day this Saturday for an annual Prayer and Planning Retreat. In addition to lots of details, they will discuss the collective results from the StrengthsFinder assessment they each took.

Heard of StrengthsFinder? A person who takes the StrengthsFinder survey gets a report back with his or her top five strengths out of 34 possible ‘talent themes.’ Since I find it all too easy to dwell on my weaknesses, this approach to focus on strengths is very appealing. I love the idea that an organization can be run with more joy when people work or serve in areas where they are already strong.

Do you feel joy where you work or volunteer? I encourage you to learn your own strengths and then ask God to help you find where you will feel purposeful.

From my position as Restoration’s administrative assistant, I can see that Pastor Rob, the staff and the volunteer team leaders work together very well. If you think there isn’t a place for you, though, you are mistaken. There is always room for someone with a willing heart. Some of our leaders need a little relief and could use some additional help. And that’s ok, because at Restoration leading includes mentoring and ‘baton passing.’ Why not call me in the church office if you’ve been wondering about leading or serving somehow? I’d love to help you find your place at Restoration!

Your servant,
Julie Nybakken

New Teaching Series in August
sifted (v.) \ sift-ed 1. Accelerated spiritual growth in times of trouble, 2. Increased trust in God and surrender to His sovereignty, 3. Refined and cultivated seed for increased fruitfulness and multiplication.

The “Sifted” series comes from Luke 22:31-32. As a church plant, we realize God loves us so much He allows us to go through seemingly painful trials that result in being broken and refined, strengthened and restored, grown and empowered for God’s glory and Kingdom expansion.

Have you been sifted? Are you ready to be?

Discover Restoration Lunch This Sunday
Are you interested in knowing how Restoration began and what our vision is? Are you curious about why the four square logo looks the way it does? Do you wonder where to use your gifts and talents? Then you will want to join us after the worship service this Sunday, August 5 for a Discover Restoration Lunch. It’s right at the Hayes Community Center where we meet for worship. RSVP to Janae Barriuso at rjbarriuso@gmail.com.

Food on the First
This Sunday, August 5 is our Food on the First collection day. Peanut butter, boxed dinners, canned meat, and oatmeal are always needed. You may prefer to donate gift cards—which families can use to buy perishable foods—or cash and we will do the shopping for you. The staff at Westview Elementary School distributes the food from a “food locker” to families in need.

Restoration Day Camp
daycamp 2
Day Camp provides a fun and transformational experience led by a welcoming, trained and loving staff from Covenant Pines Bible Camp. Activities will include games, songs, skits, stories, crafts, a service project and a carnival. For ages Pre-K through Grade 5 completed. August 6-9, 9am-1pm, at the Hayes Park Ice Arena (next to the Hayes Community Center where we meet on Sundays). The cost is $25 per child with a $60 maximum per family. Scholarships for guests are available. Download a registration form here or pick one up at the Connections table on Sunday. Contact: Chris at ChrisDavis@restorationcov.org

Young Adult Get-Together
Are you a young adult, feel like you are one or wish you still were one? Then come out for a relaxing day of food, fellowship and fun! We will be grilling at Crystal Beach on Friday, August 10 starting at 5:30pm. Meat, silverware and drinks will be provided. We are asking you to bring a side dish or dessert to share. Any yard games you wish to bring for all of us to enjoy would be wonderful, too. RSVPs and questions go to Eric at EricLangmaack@restorationcov.org or 952-807-3222.

Meals for Jeanne Kibler
Jeanne Kibler’s heart surgery on Monday went well. She’ll be in the hospital a couple more days and then still have quite a recovery, probably through September. Jeanne is going to need our prayers and love to help her and her family during this time. Her neighbor has created an online help calendar to provide an easy way to sign up to bring her a meal or fulfill other needs the family may have:
calendar number: 118423
security code # 1422
At the website you will be asked to register and then you can choose the day that you can bring a meal. It’s so easy! You will even receive an email reminder 3 days before the day you provide a meal.

Mobile Pantry Volunteers
Our ministry center has been chosen to be a remote site location for the Eagan Resource Center’s new “mobile pantry” food shelf beginning September 10. Jessica Sanborn is looking now for volunteers to sign up for Monday afternoons or evenings on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. More information about training on August 15 and 29 is available here. Contact: Jessica, JessicaSanborn@restorationcov.org

Ministry Center
Chad White is ready for your help on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9pm to finish the kitchen, conference room, kids room and large group space. Contact him at ChadWhite@restorationcov.org or 952-373-1274. The offices, living room and prayer room are open for business. Contact Julie in the church office to reserve a space for your group or event.

Soundboard Volunteers Needed
Are you interested in sharing your audio engineering skills to support our worship team on Sunday mornings? If so, contact Brian at brian59@integra.net.

Westview Community Garden
Show up at Westview Elementary School (map) at 6pm on Wednesdays throughout the summer to help water, pull weeds and pick vegetables. It’s a simple job that shows great love to community families who are blessed by the fresh food being distributed now every Friday. Contact: Jessica, JessicaSanborn@restorationcov.org

Summer Life Groups
There are many different styles of life groups scheduled throughout the week. Contact Eric at EricLangmaack@restorationcov.org and he will help you find one that best fits you and your schedule. We would love everyone at Restoration to be part of a life group!

Women’s Bible Study
The women’s Bible study meets every other Monday night at 6:30pm at Rebecca White’s house. Contact her at RebeccaWhite@restorationcov.org for more information. They are studying Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break by Kelly Minter.

Saturday Morning Men’s Group
This men’s group meets Saturdays at 7am at Big Apple Bagels in Apple Valley to discuss Scot McKnight’s book The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible. If you’re looking to figure out how you can better read and understand the Bible, this is a great group to join. Contact: Chad, ChadWhite@restorationcov.org

Upcoming Events

Outdoor Worship Service, Believer Baptism and Picnic · August 26

View the complete calendar

Sharing the News
Information and upcoming events from organizations and institutions in and around our community.

Marriage Encounter
August 18-19 · Mt. Olivet Retreat Center · Farmington, MN
Engaged Encounter
September 22 · McKenna Crossing · Prior Lake, MN
www.marriages.org · Scholarships are available
Pam & Steve Oslos, 612-804-9456, pam@lakespromo.com

Hispanic Heritage Celebration
August 25, 3-6pm
Redeemer Covenant Church in Brooklyn Park
Read an article about last year’s event here.

Urban Homeworks
Retro Benefit · August 25

parent cue

Click to view:
Parent Cue for PreK
Parent Cue for K-5
We want Restoration kids to build a real relationship with God and people, accepting and serving all with love. On Sunday mornings, we use the First Look curriculum for preschoolers and the 252 Basics curriculm for K-5 students. You can find the Parent Cue for the week right here in your Restoration email newsletter.



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